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Third-Party Reproduction at Ferticore Fertility and IVF Centre

Third-party reproduction involves individuals other than the intended parents to help them conceive and raise a child. This method includes using donated eggs, sperm, or embryos, or employing a gestational surrogate to carry a pregnancy. At Ferticore Fertility and IVF Centre, we offer comprehensive third-party reproduction services to assist couples and individuals in building their families.

Why Third-Party Reproduction is done

1. Egg Donation

Donor insemination involves the use of sperm from a donor to fertilize a woman's egg via artificial insemination. This method is commonly used by single women, same-sex female couples, or heterosexual couples with male infertility issues.


Step 1: Choose an egg donor through Ferticore Fertility and IVF Centre, or we can assist you in selecting one. Both medical and genetic screenings are conducted to ensure the donor's suitability.

Step 2:The donor and recipient’s cycles are synchronized using medication like Lupron. This ensures that the eggs are retrieved when the recipient’s uterus is prepared for implantation.

Step 3: The donor undergoes hormone injections to mature the eggs, while the recipient is prepared with estrogen and progesterone to ready the uterine lining.

Step 4:Mature eggs are retrieved from the donor and then fertilized with sperm in our laboratory.

Step 5:Embryos are transferred to the recipient’s uterus after 4-5 days of development. Typically, 2-3 embryos are transferred to increase the chances of pregnancy. Any surplus high-quality embryos are frozen for future use. A pregnancy test is performed two weeks following the procedure.

2. Sperm Donation

Sperm donation is utilized when the male partner has problems with sperm quality, quantity, or genetic issues. It is also an option for single women seeking biological children. Donor sperm can be used for intrauterine insemination (IUI) or IVF, depending on the female partner’s needs.

Selection and Screening:

  • Sperm donors are selected based on various criteria, including physical characteristics, race, academic achievements, and family medical history.
  • All donors are rigorously screened for infections (e.g., HIV, hepatitis), recent blood transfusions, and risky behaviours.

Success Rate:

Women under 35 years of age with no infertility issues have a high success rate with donor sperm, averaging 60-80%, though achieving pregnancy may require multiple cycles.

3. Embryo Donation

In cases where both egg and sperm quality are compromised, donor embryos may be used. These embryos are created using donated eggs and sperm and are transferred directly into the recipient’s uterus after preparing the endometrial lining with hormones.

4. Surrogacy Treatment

Surrogacy involves a woman carrying a pregnancy on behalf of another individual or couple. The surrogate has no genetic connection to the child. At Ferticore Fertility and IVF Centre, we offer surrogacy services using the genetic material of the intended parents:

Who Might Opt for Surrogacy?

  • Women without a uterus but who still produce eggs (e.g., due to congenital absence or surgical removal).
  • Women with uterine abnormalities or damage.
  • Women with high risk of uterine rupture or who have experienced multiple miscarriages.
  • Women with medical conditions where pregnancy poses significant risks.

Contact Ferticore Fertility and IVF Centre

For more information about third-party reproduction options and to discuss how we can assist you in building your family, please contact Ferticore Fertility and IVF Centre. Our team is here to provide personalized care and support throughout your journey.

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